I've accompanied this post with the most adult Boes comic strip I've managed to find. I think we can safely say that no scene like this made it onto CITV! Sorry if it offends anybody.
I just want to add a few sidenotes in respects to the proposed Hey Big Guy web site. The planning stages are in full swing. I have most of the content and layout on paper and it's now time to transfer it onto a computer screen. I have a few new programs I've been looking into to help me with that. There hasn't been much new stuff on the blog recently because I've been dabbling in the world of YouTube and it's been cutting into my time on this project (and pretty much everything else!). The YouTube stuff may continue to cut into my Ox Tales stuff over the next little while so please be patient with me!
Still waiting on my four Dutch DVDs and two German comic books. I didn't really expect them anytime soon. Just looking forward to receiving them really.