Here's a sneak peak into the building of my Ox Tales web site. It's not much to look at really. What I'm doing is scanning and editing a lot of the pictures from my German comic books and I'm designing the header that will sit at the top of HeyBigGuy.com site. It'll feature pictures of Ollie/Boes as well as the other characters (provided they're in the comic books). I'll keep you lot posted on my progress!
posted by @
8:05 AM

Here's another scan illustrating an ongoing theme in the comic strips that were part of the TV show. Ollie can be found in many episodes accompanied by his trusty snake charming flute ("It's Not Easy To Manage A Farm" and "Nest Making Contest" are two I can think of off the top of my head).
Posted by MarkOut @ 2:34 PM

Here's another comic strip scan. This one depicts Ollie/Boes trying to cut free a polar bear who has been frozen into a pond. Anybody who has read this blog for any length of time will realize the similarities between this scan and the episode "Snow". Just like the post below, this illustrates the link between the comic strips of Raymakers and Wilms and the TV show.
Posted by MarkOut @ 11:05 PM
LOL. That does seem pretty risky in a comic strip. I'd love to see more of these Ox Tales Comics. Be intresting to differ the humour between this and the TV Episodes. :)
posted by @
5:50 AM